

文章来源:bat365 发布于:2013-06-27  浏览:81


Figure 1 N160 trends of training and control groups (P7, P8). C is the training group results of pre- and post-test, and D is the control group results. Scalp topographies of the two groups on N160 are demonstrated on E.

Figure2 P200 (FZ) trends in the training and control groups. A is P200 changes between the pre- and post-test in the training group, and B is the results of the control group. Scalp topographies of the two groups on P200 are demonstrated on C.

Figure 3 P300 (PZ) trends in the training and control groups. A is P300 changes between the pre- and post-test in the training group, and B is the results of the control group. Scalp topographies of the two groups on P300 are demonstrated on E.

该研究受国家社会科学基金重大项目(11&ZD187)和2013年度教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(13YJC190032)的资助。研究论文《Working Memory Updating Function Training Influenced Brain Activity》已被PLOS ONE 杂志(IF=4.092)接收。审稿专家对研究如是评说:Understanding cognitive and neural processes modulated by working memory training is an interesting topic. ERP is one of the neuroimaging approaches that can provide useful information on this issue. Generally speaking, the study is well conducted, the training is successful, and the ERP result is interesting.


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